Saturday, May 30, 2009

Omelets 5.30.09

For me, Ham, Swiss and Chives. John's had Onions, Peppers, Mushrooms and Ham.

Basic Three Egg Omelet

1 tbsp butter
3 eggs
1 tbsp half & half
Salt & Pepper to taste
Filling ingredients of your choice

Prepare your filling ingredients (for me, tonight I used about 2 tbsp minced ham, 1 slice of swiss cheese torn into small strips and 1 tsp chives). Beat the eggs, half & half, salt and pepper with a fork until thoroughly combined.

Melt the butter in a 6-inch omelet pan over medium heat until foamy, tilting the pan to completely coat the bottom with the butter. Pour in the eggs. As they cook, lift the edges with a spatula and tilt the skillet to allow the uncooked egg mixture to run to the bottom. When all is of an even consistency, place filling ingredients of your choice down the center of the eggs. Put a lid on the pan and cook a minute or so until filling is hot. Using a spatula, fold the omelet 1/3 of the way over the filling, then (using spatula and tilting the pan) flip it over the rest of the way and slide out onto a warm plate.

John's omelet (and the only way he'll eat one) is called a Denver Omelet. Same directions as above except use 4 eggs, and once you have the butter melted, cook about a half cup total of chopped onions, bell peppers, mushrooms and diced ham until hot. Pour the egg mixture over the ham and veggies and proceed as directed above.

Serve with hot, buttered toast and crisp bacon.

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